Cigar Storage
£240.00 – £374.40
The storage of cigars on behalf of clients is at the discretion of the Proprietor ( CigarsUnlimited) and depends on the availability of space within our Humidor.
As from the 1st January 2017 we no longer offer free storage to customers due to the demand for space in our humidity and temperature controlled Humidor
Clients who wish us to store and condition their cigars or continue to do so with an existing inventory will be charged a flat fee of £200 per annum for up to 4 boxes and a minimum of £312.00 for between 5-10 boxes per annum, payable in advance, for the storage of cigars in their locker or keep. That is only £1 per week per box ! All charges are plus Vat @ 20%.
This fee is chargeable pro rata on a weekly basis for periods of less than a year.
We do not accept or store cigars from any other source or that have not been purchased from us originally to guard against infestation of our inventory.
If clients fail to pay the above fees as of the 1st January each year we are at liberty to sell their cigars to recoup the monies owed to us without further warning.
Additional information
Additional information
Number of Boxes | 1-4, 5-10 |
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