Partagás Serie D No.6: All the Taste in a Wrap

Partagás Serie D No.6: All the Taste in a Wrap

La Habana, Cuba 28th February. Partagás is once again reinventing itself. It enthralls and awes followers and smokers with a liking for intense tastes.It's once again making additions to the torpedo niche, a format that's all the rage now. And it also focuses on those smokers who want to experience a full explosion of sensations in a short span of time.That's what the new Partagás Serie D No. 6 is all about: intense, scented and concentrated. Partagás, whose Serie D only includes 50-ring-gauge cigars, has added three vitolas to the line with the new Partagás Serie D No. 6 (ring gauge 50 x 90 mm long, factory vitola D No. 6).It's about a short-size format that gives smokers the chance to unravel the aromas and enjoy the characteristic intense taste Partagás has to offer, and all that in just about 15 minutes -it's definitely suitable for the new circumstances affecting cigar lovers around the world.Like all Partagás Series, the D. No. 6 comes with the traditional red and golden band, quite a reference within Partagás and among the rest of the habano brands. In addition, the new Serie D brings a couple of innovative presentations: the traditional SBN (Semi Boite Nature) box the brand is known for, yet containing 20 cigars, with all those habanos laid out in double layers at a similar level; plus an eye-catching and user-friendly case of 5 units boasting the Series colors.Just another innovation at the image level is the sticker with the Serie D colors, something that will be progressively added to the other vitolas within the Serie: the No. 4 and No. 5.Also for the first time ever, the Serie D box shows an outer paper layer for better identification of the brand's wooden boxes, similar to the one introduced a few years ago to the Serie E.